

Experience an animal world of art and humor. The Zooseum series includes 54 illustrated characters, each inspired by a famous painter. Artists range from early 15th century all the way to present day, living artists. Artists come from all over the world, including the US, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, the UK, Austria, and more. The Zooseum artists also represent a diverse set of artistic movements, including impressionism, renaissance, baroque, modern, post-modern, and more. A famous work by each artists is included in the background of each illustration, and the clothing of each character often reflects either one of their paintings or their era's traditional garb.

Ah Ha Brands

Zooseum Postcard 12-Pack


12 Favorites from the Zooseum series as a set of Punny Postcards. Make a friend or family member's day by sending them a punny animal artist postcard! 12 High-Quality Print Postcards PLUS one 'overview' postcard Sent in a clear plastic sleeve 4" x 6"...

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